Does your child want to participate in JMS Athletics?
If so, the following need to be completed:
1. Sign up your student on our Sports Sign up link. Spring Sports Sign-up
2. Check Skyward to be sure ALL athletic forms are completed in their entirety. If a portion
is blank, this could cause a delay in participation. See the link here for how to complete
Athletic Forms online.
5th-grade students coming into 6th grade will complete a paper copy of the Athletic Forms at the parent meeting.
How to complete Athletic Forms Online
3. A Sports Physical must be completed and on file at JMS. If you are unsure if your child
has a current one on file, please contact the Athletic Office.
Parent Meeting/Tryouts:
Track -Parent Meeting 2/20 at 5:45pm. Tryouts starting March 3rd at 3:30pm.
(Track is only for current 6th, 7th, and 8th grade JMS students.)
Cheer - Parent Meeting 3/19 at 6:00pm. Tryouts March 31st, April 1st & 2nd; 3:30 - 5:30
Dance - Parent Meeting 4/4 at 5:30pm. Tryouts April 8th, 9th, and 10th; 5-7pm.
(Cheer and Dance is for incoming 5th graders and current 6th and 7th grade students. These tryouts are for our 25-26 Cheer and Dance Teams.)