Emergency Procedures



In cases of inclement weather and other local emergencies, please listen to any local radio or television station to be advised of school closings or early dismissals. School closings for any reason will be announced as soon as possible to accommodate family needs. If inclement weather or other emergency occurs during the day, please listen to local media stations for possible early dismissal information.

Local media sources that receive school closure information include:

WJIL 1550 AM

WLDS 1180 AM

WEAI 107.1

WJVO 105.5

Channel 20 News

School Messenger messages will also be used to communicate with parents regarding emergency school closures. Skylert is a school-to-parent notification system service that allows the District to make one phone call, record a detailed voice message, and send it immediately to parents. It is very important that parents keep the school informed of any change in telephone number.

If it becomes necessary to run bus snow routes in the rural areas, the emergency routing will be in effect for both morning and afternoon runs. Parents are urged to be at the emergency stop to pick up their children in the afternoon as drivers are instructed not to let children off unless they live close by or someone is there to pick them up.

Weather related announcements will also be published on the District’s web page at www.jsd117.org.

If school is dismissed early for an emergency of any reason, all after-school functions are reviewed by the administrative team to determine needed cancellations. Cancellations for after-school events will be sent to the same media sources and parent communication resources listed for school closures. To secure your child’s safety, you are urged to make a family plan in advance with your child(ren) in the event of an early dismissal from school.

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