Dress Code Policy

Students are expected to be clean and neat in appearance and the clothing worn is expected to be appropriate to the school situation. The administration reserves the right to send home any student wearing clothing or accessories deemed inappropriate for the educational environment; time missed will be unexcused. Recurring violations of the dress code may result in disciplinary action.

What to wear to school:
Tops/Shirts—Wear tops that cover the shoulder completely, are long enough that a raised hand does not show any skin.

Pants/shorts/skirts—Wear pants, shorts and skirts that extend beyond fingertips extended at the student’s side and stay at the waist.

Shoes—Wear comfortable/appropriate shoes that are not slippers.

What not to wear (or bring) to school:
This list is to be used as a guide and is not intended to be all inclusive.
● Lockers will be provided to students per request.
● Students will be allowed to carry backpacks

● See-through, mesh, or ripped
● Tops that are too tight, too short, low cut, or expose back, chest, or shoulders
● Pajama pants or boxer shorts
● Tights, or see through leggings, unless worn under an appropriate length clothing article (beyond fingertips)
● Pants with holes or rips higher than fingertips extended at the student’s side, or have excessive holes/rips
● Pants that fall below the waist or expose clothing worn under them. No sagging.

● No slippers.

● Chains; necklaces with large links, pendants, or beads; excessively large or distracting earrings; studded necklaces or bracelets; and wristbands
● Purses, backpacks, fanny packs, string bags, and gym bags are to be kept in lockers during the school day
● Head coverings; entire head covering bandanas, hats, combs, hair picks, rollers, sunglasses; these are to be kept in lockers
● Headbands and bandanas that do not cover the entire head are allowed
● Clothing or body art with sexual/drug/alcohol/racial/gang/dual meaning or otherwise inappropriate design
● Body or clothing graffiti
● Clothing that has holes in inappropriate places
● Coats, hats and outerwear are to be kept in lockers during the school day
● No hoods are to be worn in the school building
● Food and drinks are to be consumed in the commons area only
● Other items not named on this list may also be restricted if they interrupt the educational process or pose a safety concern.

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